To date, we have provided scholarships to over 2000 students whose parents cannot fully or partially afford school fees. College Notre Dame de Jamhour carefully evaluates each family’s situation to ensure that assistance is given to those most in need. Students from affiliated Jesuit schools across the country have also benefited from this program. We strongly believe that education is the single best way to ensure future success. This initiative eases the financial burdens on families, particularly amid Lebanon’s current economic and financial challenges.

We have complemented the salaries of 500 teachers and school staff, helping them cope with the deteriorating financial situation in Lebanon. This support is crucial for the staff at Collège Notre Dame de Jamhour, encouraging them to stay in the country and live decently despite the loss of value of their local currency-based salaries. Our initiative aims to sustain their dedication and commitment to providing excellent education, recognizing their vital role in shaping the students’ future.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we ran a targeted initiative to fundraise for the purchase and distribution of 500 vaccines. This effort, initiated at the start of the vaccination drive when shots were in short supply, was crucial to accelerate the “return to class” initiative and ensure students receive the best learning experience. By facilitating access to vaccines, we aimed to protect our school community, including students, teachers, and staff at Collège Notre Dame de Jamhour, creating a safer learning environment, and contributing to the broader efforts in combating the pandemic within our community.

Following the devastating Beirut explosion in 2020, we allocated $90,000 for the reconstruction of Collège Saint Gregoire, located near the port. This funding was crucial in rebuilding educational facilities, ensuring that students and teachers have safe and conducive learning spaces. Our efforts aimed to restore normalcy and provide a supportive environment for education amid the aftermath of the crisis.
Student Testimonials
Je m’appelle Antonella. J’ai neuf ans et j’habite à Kab Elias. Je vis dans une famille pauvre, avec mes trois soeurs, mes parents et ma grand mère. Je suis très contente d’avoir recu votre aide scolaire pour être à l’ecole avec mes camarades. J’aimerais bien vous dire un “grand merci” pour ce bienfait. Que votre vie soit pleine de réusssite, de santé, et de joie.
My name is Nagi, I am nine years old. I live in a modest family. I have one brother and no sisters. I would like to thank you for helping us through our difficult living conditions after my dad’s death.
I’m writing this letter to thank you for your kindness and sweetness. For the money you send supports my education. Without your help, I wouldn’t have the chance to continue my education. I always pray for God to keep you in a good health with your family, and give you more happiness.