Committee Member
Joey Diab (Promo 2004) holds a double Masters in Science from UTC (Universite de Technologie de Compiegne), UPM (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) and an Advanced Leadership Certificate from Stanford University. He moved to the West coast in 2009 to work for Apple (fun fact: he was dispense d’Arabe in school, yet was hired for his Arabic skills).
Joey spent 10 years leading teams in building the foundation of Right To Left technologies across Apple products (from the Keyboard on iOS 3, to the Arabic Apple Watch face, to Siri in Arabic) and lead a large international team implementing Siri for large global markets (France, Spain, Mexico, Turkey, Russia, KSA, UAE etc. to name a few).
Currently, Joey leads a team of engineers at Dropbox, as a Strategic Product Initiative Manager.
In his early years in the West Coast, Joey was quite involved with the alumni group in Los Angeles. He is now working on reviving the growing network in San Francisco where he resides.